Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The First Day of the Year.

Yep, the first day of new year has come once again. Average man on earth get to enjoy this day for 75 time, and this is my 25Th time. I was feeling a bit disappointed yet happy. I'm happy because is a new month and I have new goal to achieve. I'm disappointed is because I didn't complete JDMCarTuner.com by December. I tried to have at least a basic model for JDMCarTuner.com. But laziness and poor sense of art direction lead me to today.

I have redesigned the logo and index page of JDMCarTuner.com. It was more professional and pleasant looking. And I'm pretty happy with the end result.

Goal for January 2008
1) Complete JDMCarTuner.com
2) Complete JDMCarTuner.com - Tuning Zone
3) Solve all ht access issues
4) Source for more cash - S$800
5) Start project " The wealthy way"
6) Plan for next project "cooking"
7) Buy Scanner
8) Redesign my room.

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